An Interactive Sudoku Solver in Python – Part 1: The Single Cell

I love playing Sudoku. It’s just therapeutic to me, but I do get stuck on those harder level Sudoku puzzles that require a trial-and-error approach. I like to mark the possibilities in the corners of a cell, and I run out of space rather quickly on those harder level puzzles.

Anyway, solving the harder level puzzles is not the point of this exercise in writing a Sudoku solver. I just thought it would be fun to write a solver, and more importantly, I wanted to learn more about using Tkinter.

To begin with, here is the Github repository so you can refer to the code:

When you look at a Sudoku grid, the single cell is the most fundamental element. It can hold a number between 1 to 9. I start with defining a class that represents the single cell. In the first commit of, you will see a class definition for the Sudoku_Cell:

# This class defines a single cell on a Sudoku grid
class Sudoku_Cell:
    def __init__(self, value=0):
        if not value:
            self.possible_values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
            self.cells_need_updating = False
            self.possible_values = [value]
            self.cells_need_updating = True

The class has two data members. The data member possible_values is the list of numbers that the individual cell could contain, and if only one value is left in the list, that value is the final value of the cell.

The other data member cells_need_updating is a Boolean used to indicate if other cells in the row, or column, or 3×3 grid area, needs to be updated when this cell has arrived at its final value. This is important for how the solver works.

The components: the Single Cell, the Row, the Column and the 3×3 grid area.

Whenever a cell has arrived at its final value, the other cells that are on the same row, or column, or 3×3 grid area, would need to remove this cell’s final value from their list of possible_values. This is achieved by calling the class method remove_possible_value(). The code below is from the initial commit of

    def remove_possible_value(self,value):
        if len(self.possible_values) == 1:
            # we have already arrived at an answer previously, do nothing

        except ValueError:
            # value not found, continue
            # value removed, check if we have arrived at an answer
            if len(self.possible_values) == 1:
                # cell value has been determined, flag that we need to update
                #other cells
                self.cells_need_updating = True

In this method, we do nothing and return if the cell has already arrived at its final value. Otherwise, we try to remove the value that is passed into the method from the list of possible_values. If the value was not in the list of possible_values, we quietly exit the function. If we do succeed in removing the value from the list, we check if we have arrived at the final value, and if so, we set cells_need_updating to True.

The function other_cells_need_updating() is to check if cells_need_updating Boolean is set, and the function get_value() is to read the final value, or return zero if the cell has not arrived at its final value.

With the Sudoku_Cell class more or less defined, we’ll next look at the Sudoku grid as a whole in the next post.

Something fun to play over Zoom (or other video conferencing tool that has screen sharing)

A simple text based word guessing game that can be screen-shared over Zoom. Can you guess the famous movie quote above? (Answer below).

As almost the whole world is under some form of stay-at-home order during the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of our social interaction with colleagues and friends have moved online to video conferencing, such as with Zoom.

For me and my church growth group, we have been using Zoom over the past 5 or 6 weeks. This past Friday evening, I was tasked with conducting an ice-breaker, and I only remembered that I needed to come up with something a couple of hours before the growth group session.

I came up with an idea of a word guessing game like the Wheel of Fortune, as it can be played by a big group and could be fun for a wide age-range of people. We have some pre-teen kids in our growth group.

The execution of the game would have been challenging with a pen and paper or white board, so I thought I’d quickly mash up a simple Python script that will take a list of phrases and replace it all with hyphens as a placeholder for each letter, and fill in the appropriate letter as someone guesses it.

Half an hour later, I had a simple and functioning game, and chose a couple test bible verses to play-test with my wife in the other room. The game went down really well in our growth group, and everyone had a good time playing it. Since then, I found some movie quotes and played the same game again using the movie quotes with my old high-school friends.

I have cleaned up the code, and made it load the list of phrases from a JSON text file and uploaded it to my Github for anyone wanting to try it:

To increase legibility over the screen-share, I recommend increasing the font size in Terminal via Preferences->Text->Font Change. I used a font size of 20.

Using a larger font size in Terminal helps with legibility over the screen-share.
Using a larger font size in Terminal helps with legibility over the screen-share.

Then, in the centre of your Zoom meeting controls at the bottom, click on Share Screen and then select the Terminal window where the Python code is running, and off you go. You conduct the game asking people to guess a letter and then moving on to the next person if they cannot guess the phrase.

Select the Terminal where the Python code is running in Zoom's Share Screen dialog box.
Select the Terminal where the Python code is running in Zoom’s Share Screen dialog box.

As for the answer to the famous movie quote in the opening image at the top of this blog post…

May the force be with you.
May the force be with you.

Keep safe, everyone!

Fixing the speaker of a Lego Duplo 10508 Train

The train engine from Lego Duplo 10508

My toddler son has a habit of throwing his toys, and his favourite is the Lego Duplo 10508 Train. After a few throws, the sound from the train became like a blown speaker. Last week, the sound from the train stopped altogether.

It’s not as nice to play with without the sound effects, so as any father might do, I took the train apart to see if it can be fixed. I found this Youtube video that shows how to take it apart: Lego Duplo Train Engine Repair Video

Be warned that it was quite difficult to remove the the tabs from the slots, and I strained the plastic a little on the back of the train trying to get the rear tabs out. You have to pull the black plastic outward while pushing the red plastic inward to get the tabs released. The slot is on the red plastic.

Once I had the cover off, I found the speaker was in this condition:

Front of Lego 10508 Train Speaker

Back of Lego 10508 Train Speaker

As you can see in the photo of the back of the speaker above, the terminals of the speaker has been sheared off. No wonder there wasn’t any sound!

Here are the specifications of the speaker in the Lego Duplo 10508 Deluxe Train Set:

Coil impedance 32Ω
Rated Power 0.25W
Diameter 21mm
Height 7mm

I tried looking for an exact replacement, but failed to find a speaker with a diameter of 21mm and coil impedance of 32Ω. I ended up with a speaker with a diameter of 19.9mm and coil impedance of 8Ω from RS-Online: Kingstate 8Ω 0.08W Miniature Speaker 19.9mm Dia. 19.9 x 4mm (LxWxD)

Kingstate 8Ω 0.08W Miniature Speaker 19.9mm Dia. 19.9 x 4mm (LxWxD)

The important thing is that the diameter must be 21mm or less to fit in the space for the speaker in the plastic. It must be able to sit flush against the red plastic otherwise the red plastic casing will not fit over the speaker. I stacked 4 pieces of double sided tape to make up for the missing 3mm height and stuck the speaker to the plastic tab.

Now my son can go back to enjoying his favourite toy, and hopefully he will stop throwing things around soon!

Opening a bank account in the US without a SSN

Recently, I started working for a US company and would like to receive my pay in a US bank account. As I am not based in the US, I don’t have a Social Security Number nor a US address.

According to a blog post by Ashray, it was possible with just your passport and a utility bill from your home country showing your name and address; as long as you are physically present in the US: How To Open a US Bank Account As a Tourist / Non Resident

On this trip to San Francisco, I brought along a utility bill and gave it a shot. Ashray had success with Capital One, but there are no Capital One branches in San Francisco. I tried three banks and only found success with one: Wells Fargo. I also tried with US Bank and Chase, but both required a local US utility bill or some sort of proof of address in the US.

With Wells Fargo, it was easy to open a checking account with just my passport and the utility bill from my home, and a US$50 minimum deposit. The Everyday Checking account has a monthly US$10 charge, but it can be avoided if you have a US$500 direct deposit, or maintain a US$1,500 minimum balance in the account, or perform 10 transactions on your debit card.

Within 30 minutes I had my account set up together with online banking access, a temporary debit card and PIN number, and a couple blank cheques and deposit tickets. The minimum deposit was done with the new debit card at their ATM machine. Super easy. The permanent debit card will be posted to me at my home address.

The main drawback of a Wells Fargo account is the ATM charges if you have to withdraw from another bank’s ATM (non-Wells Fargo). It’s not a problem on the west coast as there are many Wells Fargo branches and ATMs, but they don’t have such a big presence on the East Coast. It’s US$2.50 charged by Wells Fargo, plus however much the ATM’s bank charges you.

I intend to use to initiate an ACH Pull to transfer money back home whenever I need it.

So thanks to Ashray for his useful blog post, and I am blogging for anyone wanting to open a bank account in San Francisco or on the west coast: Try Wells Fargo!

EDIT 07 July 2016: Here’s a top tip, opening an account will require a US phone number. You can setup a Google Voice number before you go into the branch to open the account. You will need a local US mobile number in order to receive a confirmation code to get a Google Voice number. Just ask one of your colleagues or a friend to help you out. Then, when you open the bank account, just use your Google Voice number as your main phone number. You will not be able to receive texts from the Bank (for things like access codes), but you will be able to receive phone calls from the bank on Google Hangouts even if you are out of the US!

Using logging.config.dictConfig with QueueHandler and Timing Measurements Posting to Slack

Following on from the previous post, I have made a quick timing measurement posting 4 messages to Slack from three locations:

Location Time Taken
San Francisco, California 2.70512
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5.56670
Suzhou, China 12.67123

As you can see, if you’re not using the asynchronous QueueListener then your program could be stuck for over 12 seconds waiting on the communication with Slack.

Here’s an example JSON dictionary config file to use QueueHandler in logging:

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": false,
    "formatters": {
        "simple": {
            "format": "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"

    "handlers": {
        "consoleHandler": {
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "formatter": "simple",
            "stream": "ext://sys.stdout"
        "slack-queue": {
            "formatter": "simple",
            "queue": "ext://Global.slack_queue"

    "root": {
        "level": "DEBUG",
        "handlers": ["consoleHandler", "slack-queue"]

Of note here is the ext:// tag that allows you to pass in references to an external object into the logging dictConfig. I have put the instantiation of the queue object in a file named

import Queue as queue

#Instantiate a queue for the handler/listener
slack_queue = queue.Queue(-1)

This queue object is required by both the QueueHandler which is instantiated by dictConfig, and also the QueueListener which I have instantiated in my main program,

import logging
import logging.config
import json
import atexit
import SlackQueue
import Global
import time

time_program_start = time.time()
time_program_end = 0.0

def print_timing():
    time_slack_queue_finish = time.time()
    print ("Time taken by main program: %.5f"
                %(time_program_end - time_program_start))
    print ("Extra time taken by sending Slack messages: %.5f"
                %(time_slack_queue_finish - time_program_end))

#Load the logging config json file.
with open('Logger.json','r') as f:

#Instantiate the queue listener with the same queue above, and also set
#the settings for communicating with Slack.
#You will need to get your own Incoming Webhook URL from Slack's Custom
#Integration setup.
SlackListener = SlackQueue.sqListener(
        icon_emoji = ":penguin:"

#Start the listener

#Print out the timing measurement right at the end.

#Register the listener stop method to run upon exit in order to allow the 
#queue to be emptied before exiting.
#If you miss this step, the queue might not be emptied before the program
#exits and you won't receive all the messages on Slack.

#Begin logging"Test info message")

#You can temporarily change the Slack settings via the "extra" parameter.
#The settings in extra will only apply to this one log message.
logging.debug("Another test message",extra= {

#You can put the <!channel> tag in the message to send an announcement.
msg="Some sort of warning!"
logging.warning("<!channel>: %s"%msg)


time_program_end = time.time()

I registered the function print_timing( ) with atexit.register( ) before registering the SlackListener.stop function so that the timing print out will happen right at the end after the queue has been cleared. This is because atexit uses a “last in, first out” ordering when it comes to executing registered functions.

You can find all the code on GitHub

Leave a comment below if you have any comments or feedback on how to improve the implementation.

Asynchronous Posting to Slack from Python Logging QueueHandler

We had a problem at work where the regular blocking call to request post was getting in the way at physical locations that didn’t have ideal latency times connecting to the Slack server, like from within China. What takes a second in sunny California was suddenly 8 to 12 seconds from behind the Great Firewall.

The solution is to integrate Slack into Python logging and use the logging QueueHandler to make it asynchronous.

Here’s my implementation of an extension to the QueueHandler and QueueListener classes:

from logging import Handler
import requests
import json
#QueueHandler and QueueListener is part of standard Python logging module
#from Python 3.2 onwards; but if you're using Python 2.x, you can just 
#copy the QueueHandler and QueueListener code and save it into your own
    #check if they're part of standard Python logging module
    from logging.handlers import QueueHandler
    from logging.handlers import QueueListener
except ImportError:
    #if not, use your own copy
    from queueHandler import QueueHandler
    from queueHandler import QueueListener

class sqHandler(QueueHandler):
    def __init__(self, queue=None):

    def prepare(self, record):
        Override the method to allow the formatter to work.
        record.msg = self.format(record)
        record.args = None
        record.exc_info = None
        return record

class sqListener(QueueListener,Handler):
    def __init__(self, queue=None, logging_url="", channel="", username="",
                 icon_emoji = ""):
        logging_url, channel, username, icon_emoji can all be overridden
        by the extra dictionary parameter of a logging record
        For example: 
  'Test messate',extra={'channel':'@someone',
        self.logging_url = logging_url
        self.payload = {
            "channel": channel,
            "username": username,
            "icon_emoji": icon_emoji

    def handle(self, record):
        Override the QueueListener.handle method with the Handler.handle 
        Handler.handle(self, record)

    def emit(self, record):
        #make a copy of the default settings
        new_logging_url = self.logging_url
        new_payload = self.payload.copy()

        #override default settings if necessary
        if hasattr(record,'logging_url'):
            new_logging_url = record.logging_url

        for key in self.payload.keys():
            if hasattr(record,key):
                new_payload[key] = record.__dict__[key]

        #format the message and add to payload
        msg = self.format(record)
        new_payload["text"] = '%s' % msg

        #post the request, data=json.dumps(new_payload))

And here’s a usage example:

import logging
import Queue as queue
import atexit
import sys
import SlackQueue

#Set up the root logger
                    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
root = logging.getLogger()

#Instantiate a queue for the handler/listener
slack_queue = queue.Queue(-1)

#Instantiate a queue handler using the queue above
SlackHandler = SlackQueue.sqHandler(slack_queue)

#Set a formatter
simple = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

#Add the queue handler to the root logger

#Instantiate the queue listener with the same queue above, and also set
#the settings for communicating with Slack.
#You will need to get your own Incoming Webhook URL from Slack's Custom
#Integration setup.
SlackListener = SlackQueue.sqListener(
        icon_emoji = ":penguin:"

#Start the listener

#Register the listener stop method to run upon exit in order to allow the 
#queue to be emptied before exiting.
#If you miss this step, the queue might not be emptied before the program
#exits and you won't receive all the messages on Slack.

#Begin logging"Test info message")

#You can temporarily change the Slack settings via the "extra" parameter.
#The settings in extra will only apply to this one log message.
logging.debug("Another test message",extra= {

#You can put the <!channel> tag in the message to send an announcement.
msg="Some sort of warning!"
logging.warning("<!channel>: %s"%msg)


You can use the extra parameter in logging to alter the Slack settings for a particular message. It can be useful if you decide that a particular logging message should ping a certain person directly, or post to a different channel from the default channel.

You can find all the code on GitHub.

If you’re using Python 2.x and need the source of, check out Vinay Sajip’s blog post, specifically his whole script example.

Leave a comment below if you have any comments or feedback on how to improve the implementation.

Logging for Slackers – Alan Gardner
Improved QueueHandler, QueueListener: dealing with handlers that block – Vinay Sajip